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Edit a Template

Requirements: See Client Templates.

You use the same controls and procedures to edit a client template as you use to adjust your own configuration settings and the appearance of Interaction Desktop. When you finish editing a template, Customer Interaction Center restores your current Interaction Desktop layout and configuration settings.

Note: You cannot delete the default workspace in a template. If you have the Customize Client Security right, you can delete any views within the default workspace.

To edit a template:

  1. Select File > Templates > Manage Templates.
  1. In the Manage Templates dialog box, select a template and click Load for edit.

  1. Do any or all of the following:

Tip: For a list of available configuration options, see Configuration Options.

  1. When the template is complete, select Exit Template Mode from the menu bar.

  2. In the Save Changes? dialog box, click Yes.

Result: You exit Template Mode.

Note: Customer Interaction Center restores your current layout and configuration settings when you exit Template Mode.

Related Topics

Manage Templates