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Email Configuration

Requirements: You need the Customize Client Security right to configure email pickup or reply options. Client templates can contain configuration settings that determine your Emails configuration and control whether you can alter configuration settings.

You can configure the default behavior of email messages in the Email Window for Incoming Messages and Email Window for Outgoing Messages when you pick up or reply to an ACD-routed email message.

Tip: To configure an Email window toolbar and other options, see Configure Email Windows.

  1. In the Configuration dialog box, click the Emails node.

  1. In the Emails properties details pane, make the following selections.

    Download pictures automatically in HTML email messages

    This check box controls the default behavior of email messages in the Email Window for Incoming Messages and Email Window for Outgoing Messages when you pick up or reply to an ACD-routed email message.

    Do one of the following:

    • To download and display automatically any images included in ACD-routed email messages, select the check box.

    • To prevent automatic downloading and display of images, clear the check box.

      Result: Any ACD-routed email message which contains an image displays a warning message instead. If you trust the source of the email message and want to display the blocked image, you can click the "To protect privacy" banner in the received email message.

    Note: Blocking automatic image downloads speeds up email message downloads and can help protect you from junk email.

    No longer show email after sending

    Select this option to close the Email Window for Outgoing Messages automatically when you click Send.

    No longer show email after disconnecting

    Select this option to close the Email Window for Incoming Messages automatically when you click Disconnect.

    Always check spelling before sending email

    Do one of the following:

    • To spell check email replies automatically after you click Send in the Email Window for Outgoing Messages, select the check box.

    • To turn off automatic spell checking, clear the check box.

    Tip: To spell check all or part of an email reply, you can always use the Spell Check toolbar button in the Email window.

    Available Languages

    Do either of the following to select the languages to use for spell checking your email message replies:

    • To add a language, from the Available Languages list, select a language and click >.

    • To remove a language, from the Favorites list, select a language and click <.

    Note: The list of languages in the Available Languages list is determined by whether you have installed Microsoft Word and the languages provided by that particular installation of Word or any additional installed Word language packs. Wintertree dictionaries are packaged with the CIC client and are always available.

  2. Click Apply to save your selections.

  1. Click OK to close the Configuration dialog box.

Related Topics

Pick Up or Reopen an Email Message

Reply to an Email Message

Understanding the Configuration Dialog Box

Working with Email Messages