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Overview of Interaction Voicemail Player

When a caller leaves a voice mail, it is stored as a .wav file. You can access this voice mail message:

  • From the Voicemail Message view

  • From the telephone user interface (TUI)

  • By playing the.wav file with Interaction Voicemail Player

Installing Interaction Voicemail Player

The Interaction Voicemail Player is an optional feature. You install Interaction Voicemail Player as part of the IC User Applications Setup. For more information, see the CIC Server Installation and Configuration Guide in the PureConnect Documentation Library.

Configuring Interaction Voicemail Player

You determine if Interaction Voicemail Player is your preferred application for playing back voice mail messages. You can also configure several options that control what this form does.

  • To configure voice mail playback, in Interaction Voicemail Player, from the Tools menu, select Options.

Tip: For more information about other configuration options, see the Interaction Voicemail Player Help.

Using Interaction Voicemail Player

When someone leaves a voice mail for you, CIC sends an email message to you with the voice mail.wav file attached to it. This message appears in your email client (e.g., Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Outlook Express, Lotus Notes, etc.) with an attached.wav file. When you play this attached file, by double-clicking it or downloading it and then opening it, the voice mail message plays in the Interaction Voicemail Player. If you are using the Interaction Message Store, just double-click the voice mail.wav and the Interaction Voicemail Player plays the message.

The Interaction Voicemail Player not only plays voice mail messages but also allows you to control the playback of the message and your indicator light. It also allows you to play voice mail messages back to devices such as PC speakers, a station phone on your desk or to a remote telephone number.

Note: DirectX 9.0 is required to play voice mails through your PC speakers. If needed, install Microsoft DirectX from the IC_CLIENTPREREQS share on the CIC Server, after the IC Server installation.

Interaction Voicemail Player and .wav files

Each voice mail .wav file has information embedded in it signifying it is a voice mail message. When you open a voice mail file, Interaction Voicemail Player reads this information, determines it is a voice mail message and plays the file. When you open any other .wav files on your computer, the file does not have the voice mail designation. It  opens in your default .wav player (e.g., Microsoft Media Player).

Interaction Voicemail Player allows you to:

  • Play voice mail messages directly from electronic mail.

  • Control the playback of voice mail messages.

  • Clear a message waiting indicator light

Tip: For more information, see the Interaction Voicemail Player Help.

Related Topics

Interaction Voicemail Player Controls

Open a Voice Mail Message From Your Inbox