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Interaction Optimizer

Requirements: Only agents with the appropriate licenses and rights can use Interaction Optimizer. Consult your CIC administrator if you have questions about licensing.

Interaction Optimizer is a Workforce Management (WFM) application that enables administrators to effectively schedule resources. Interaction Optimizer is an optional component of Customer Interaction Center (CIC).

Interaction Optimizer provides these main features:

  • Demand Forecasting

Administrators can determine the demand for agents with interaction volume forecasting based on historical ACD data and head count forecasting based on simulations or Erlang calculations.

  • Schedule Generation

Administrators can generate schedules based on forecasted demand and available resources.

  • Schedule Administration

The administrator can analyze and modify generated schedules when necessary.

  • Time-Off Requests

Agents can submit time-off requests and Supervisors can review and process these requests.

  • Real-Time Adherence

Supervisors can track agent compliance to scheduled activities and also review and process adherence exceptions.

  • Agent Schedule Preferences

Agents can indicate the days and times when they prefer or prefer not to work and also at what times they prefer meals and breaks.

Note: Interaction Optimizer administrative features are available in IC Business Manager.

Accessing Interaction Optimizer Features

Interaction Optimizer features for agents are available in the CIC client. This section describes the rights and licenses required to access the Interaction Optimizer features.

Administrative Features

These features are available for Supervisors or Administrators in IC Business Manager.

  • Demand Forecasting

  • Schedule Generation

  • Schedule Administration

  • Time-Off Request Management

  • Real Time Adherence Management (Tracking agent compliance to the schedule)

Agent Features and Requirements

Agents can use the CIC client for the following features, if they have an Interaction Optimizer Schedulable license and meet the other requirements.

Note: Interaction Optimizer is enabled only if your CIC system has the appropriate feature licenses. You can use Interaction Optimizer features only if you have the appropriate Optimizer user license and rights. For more information, see the Interaction Optimizer Technical Reference.


Other Requirements

Display your schedule

View Plug-ins Access Control right

Configure schedule preferences

Agent can specify schedule preferences Interaction Optimizer Security right

Bid on preferred schedules

Agent can bid on schedules Interaction Optimizer Security right

See the ranking of your schedule bid

Agents can see rank and the Agent can see relative rank Interaction Optimizer Security rights

Submit time-off requests

Agent can submit time off Interaction Optimizer Security right

Also, the agent must belong to an Optimizer Scheduling Unit and be assigned to a Shift Definition.

Note: Administrators configure Scheduling Units and Shift Definitions in Interaction Center Business Manager.

Related Topics

Displaying Your Schedule

Schedule Adherence

Using the My Schedule View

Working with Your Schedule