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Interaction Desktop Help
Launch a Process
Requirements: See Interaction Process Automation.
Properly licensed and authorized CIC client users can launch a process. Customers may also be able to launch a process from your company’s website, if this option is available and appropriately configured.
To launch a process:
Do one of the following:
Type all or part or a process name in the Processes toolbar and press Enter.
Result: If this matches only one process name, then pressing Enter launches the process. If not, continue to the next step.
Click the down arrow in the Processes toolbar.
In My Interactions, right-click an interaction and, from the shortcut menu, select Process Automation > Launch Process.
Note: This method both launches a process and associates it with an interaction. You cannot launch a process from an interaction in a User or Workgroup queue that you are monitoring.
Do one of the following:
In the Recent Processes list, click the name of the appropriate process.
In the Launch Process dialog box, select the appropriate process and click Launch.
Result: One of two things happens:
You are alerted to pick up a work item.
If the work item is routed to another user or it takes a more than a few seconds to route the initial work item to you, the Process Started dialog box appears. Click OK.
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