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Interaction Desktop Help
Transfer a Work Item
Requirements: The Transfer Interactions Security right enables you to transfer an interaction appearing in My Interactions. The Modify Station Queues, Modify User Queues, or Modify Workgroup Queues Access Control rights enable you to transfer an interaction appearing on another queue. See also Interaction Process Automation.
You can transfer a work item to another user or workgroup queue.
Licenses and Other Conditions
You do not need an IPA license to transfer a work item. You can transfer a work item to another user or workgroup under certain conditions:
You need the right to transfer an interaction for the queue in which the work item appears.
You can transfer work items only to other IPA-licensed users or to a workgroup with at least one IPA-licensed user.
If you transfer a work item to a workgroup, the target workgroup must have an associated queue.
You can transfer only work items that are in a New, ACD - Wait Agent, or Held state. You cannot transfer a completed work item or a work item you are viewing or revising (In Progress state).
Note: Interaction Supervisor users can transfer work items that are not on Hold, if necessary to continue a process. If a supervisor transfers a work item while an agent has that work item open, then any data changed or entered by the agent since the work item was picked up may be lost.
Work Item Transfer Dialog Box
Transferring a Work Item uses the same basic Transfer dialog box as transferring an interaction, with some minor differences.
The Options drop-down list limits your search for a transfer recipient to either users or workgroups or both. You cannot transfer a work item to a phone, station, station group or attendant profile, so these search criteria do not appear.
The Override Call Forwarding check box does not appear as it applies only to transferred calls, not work items.
The Park, Voice Mail, and Consult buttons are disabled as they do not apply to work items.
To transfer a work item from My Work Items or other queue:
In the My Work Items view or the appropriate user or workgroup queue view, select a work item that is in a New, ACD - Wait Agent, or Held state.
Do one of the following:
On the view toolbar, click the Transfer button.
Right-click the work item and choose Transfer from the shortcut menu.
Result: The Transfer dialog box appears.
In the Transfer To: text box, type all of part of the recipient’s name.
Result: A drop-down list of choices appears.
Tip: If the drop-down list does not contain the recipient you expected, check the search criteria selected in the Options drop-down list and adjust them if necessary. You can search by user or workgroup name or both.
From the drop-down list, select the appropriate recipient.
Result: Status information appears for the selected user or workgroup, including whether a selected user is logged onto a CIC client and is available to accept the transferred work item. If the selected recipient is a workgroup, it shows how many interactions are in the workgroup queue, how many agents are logged on and how many agents are available. For more information, see Status Information for Transfer recipient.
Click the Transfer button.
Result: The work item is removed from your My Work Items view or other queue where you selected it and is routed to the selected agent or workgroup.
Note: If you are transferring a work item from another user’s queue or workgroup queue, you may see this warning: "You do not own this interaction, are you sure you want to perform this action?" Click Yes to continue the Transfer.
Important: Certain work item settings are no longer in effect after a transfer. For example, work items can have a timeout setting that controls how much time a CIC user has to pick up an alerting work item before it is routed to another user. This pickup time limit no longer applies to the transferred work item because the transfer signals the work item is "being handled" or "under an agent’s control."
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