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Manage Folders

Requirements: You need the Customize Client Security Right to add or remove folders from the Email Folders view. You also need the View Workgroup Queues and the View User Queues Access Control rights for the selected queues to add folders for workgroup and user queues.

You can add or remove folders from the Email Folders view.

Note: Your selections are persisted when you log off and later log onto Interaction Desktop. These settings are specific to each workspace. You can have different folders in Email Folders views in different workspaces.

  1. Select the Email Folders view.
  2. Do one of the following:

    • Right-click and select Manage Folders from the shortcut menu.

    • Select Email Folders > Manage Folders.

  1. In the Manage Folders dialog box, do one of the following:
    • In the list of available folders on the left, select a tab, then select a folder name. Click Add to add the folder to the Selected Folders list.

    • Click Add all to add all the folders on the selected tab to the Selected Folders list.

    • From the Selected folders list, select a folder name and click Remove.

    • Click Remove all to remove all folders from the Selected Folders list.

  1. When the Selected Folders list contains the names of the folders you want to see in the Email Folders view, click OK.

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Email Folders