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Move Views

You can simply drag and drop a view to a new location.

Note: You cannot move the My Interactions view.

To move a view to a new location:

  1. Click and hold the tab for the view you want to move.

Result: The docking icons appear.

  1. Without letting go of the mouse button, point to the icon that represents where you want to move the view.

Note: The CIC client highlights the area to which the view will move.

  1. Release the button to drop the view in its new location.

Result: The view automatically moves to the chosen area.


In this example, you want to move the Dial Pad view to a new location (the lower left side of the Interaction Desktop interface.) You click the tab for the Dial Pad view and begin to drag it. This displays the docking icons. The selected target zone is also indicated by a shaded area.

When you release the mouse button, the Dial Pad view moves to its new location.

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