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Orbit Queues

Requirements: You need the Orbit Queue Security right to display the Orbit Queue view.

An orbit queue is a list of all calls parked to specific numbered orbits. This feature is especially helpful for Public Announcement system operators who can park a call in Orbit, then page the recipient and relay that he or she has a call on a specific Orbit number. For example, the operator could announce: “John Smith, you have a call on Orbit 12”, thus enabling John Smith to move to any station and pick up the call.

When you park a currently active call in a specific orbit it removes the call from your station. This enables you to pick up the call from another station and resume the call without having to transfer it to a specific extension.

Note: In order to pick up a call from orbit from a queue view, you must display the Orbit Queue view. Alternatively, you can use a Polycom phone configured as a SIP station to pick up a call from an orbit. For more information, see Pick Up a Call from an Orbit.

Displaying the Orbit Queue View

You can view a list of all parked calls by displaying the Orbit Queue view. The Orbit Queue view contains the details of parked calls, including the orbit number and how long the call has been parked on an orbit.

To display the Orbit Queue view:

  1. In the Create New View dialog box, set Group by to Categories, and then from the list of categories, select Queues.

  1. In the Views list, select Orbit Queue.

  2. Click OK.

Result: The Orbit Queue view appears.

Related Topics

Introduction to Queues

Park a Call on Orbit

Pick up a Call from an Orbit