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Interaction Desktop Help
Quick Add a Contact
Requirements: You need the Add Individuals Security right to quick add a Tracker Contact. Other Interaction Tracker functions are available only if you have the appropriate licenses and security rights. For more information, see Tracker Licensing and Rights.
If the Contact Resolution process does not find the Interaction Tracker contact that you want, and you are unable to find the appropriate contact using your own search criteria, you can create a new contact in the Interaction Tracker database if you have a Tracker Access License and the appropriate Tracker Policy Security rights. You can also use the Tracker menu to add a Tracker contact at any time. For more information about this feature or your right to use it, see your CIC administrator.
When you "quick add" a new Tracker contact, you need to specify only the most important Tracker contact information.
Note: You can also click the contact resolution down arrow next to the current interaction to add a Tracker contact or you can use the Tracker menu to add a Tracker contact at any time.
To quick add a Tracker Contact:
Right-click the current interaction.
From the interaction shortcut menu, select Interaction Tracker > Quick Add Contact.
Result: The Quick Add Contact dialog box appears.
In the Contact Information tab, complete the required information and as much of the optional information as you deem necessary.
Tip: Required information is indicated by an asterisk (*). Notice that the phone number for the selected interaction appears automatically in the Business Phone text box. Click the Phone Number control to validate and format the phone number. The Search icon next to Organization enables you to locate the name of an existing organization.
In the Tracker Attributes tab, supply values for the displayed Attribute Types for this contact and click OK.
Note: Interaction Tracker enables you to electronically store attributes for contacts, organizations or locations. These attributes can include such information as personal characteristics, historical notes about a particular situation, or other significant details.
Result: The Tracker contact information is saved and the interaction is associated with this new Tracker contact.
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