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Send an Email Message

There are several ways you can send email messages to addresses associated with your directory entries.

Note: This feature makes it convenient to send email messages to people and businesses represented by directory entries. It requires that you have a correctly-configured email program installed on your system. This feature is completely separate from the management of ACD-routed mail. E-mail messages sent using your default email program are not considered interactions and are not counted in Customer Interaction Center reports and statistics. For information about sending an email message that is counted as an interaction, see Start an E-mail Interaction.

To send an email message:

  • Select a directory entry and click the appropriate Send email button on the Directory toolbar.

  • Click any available email address hyperlink in a directory entry.

  • Right-click a directory entry and select Send Email (Home) or Send Email (Business), if available.

Result: An email address for the selected directory entry appears in the "To" line of a new email window in your default email program.

Note: You can configure which Send email buttons appear on your Directory toolbar. For information about adding buttons to a toolbar, see Customizing Toolbars. The toolbar button is unavailable if this email address is not available for the selected Directory entry.

Related Topics

Directory Toolbar Buttons

Start an E-mail Interaction

Using the Directory Toolbar

View and Edit Directory Entries