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Interaction Desktop Help
Setting Up Personal Rules
Requirements: You need the Personal Rules Security right to create and run personal rules.
Use the Personal Rules dialog box to set up personal rules that automatically perform specific actions when triggered by designated interactions. You select the conditions which control how a rule is triggered, when it runs, and what it does.
You can:
Create a Personal Rule
You can use the Rule Wizard to create a personal rule to handle interactions.
Note: You can also use Quick Call Rules to create a personal rule to handle calls similar to a selected call in My Interactions or Call History. For more information, see Creating Quick Call Rules.
To create a personal rule:
From the Options menu, click Rules.
In the Personal Rules dialog box, click New.
In the I want this rule to be based on section of the Rule Wizard, select one of the following:
Template |
Build a rule based on a template. Note: A template is a pre-built rule based on an event with various conditions, actions, and exceptions that you can customize using the Rule Wizard. |
An Event |
Build a rule based on an event such as "When I receive a call." |
Select a template or an event from the displayed list.
Result: The default rule conditions appear in the lower part of the Rule Wizard.
Perform either or both of these optional steps or skip to the next step:
In the Name text box, change the rule name by typing over the default name.
Clear the Turn on Rule check box to suspend the processing of this rule at this time.
Define any attributes in the rule conditions.
Click Next and further define the rule in the Rule Wizard.
Defining a rule: There are three pages in the Rule Wizard. They define rule conditions, actions, and exceptions. For each page:
Select the check box for any item that applies to your rule definition.
Clear the check box to remove an item from the rule definition.
Supply required attribute names or values. For more information, see Specify Attribute Names or Values.
1st Page: In the When should the rule run? page, select check boxes for conditions that cause the rule to run. Supply required attribute names or values. Click Next.
2nd Page: In the What do you want to have the rule do? page, select check boxes for actions you want performed when the rule runs. Supply required attribute names or values. Click Next.
Note: A rule must have at least one action. Actions are performed in top to bottom order. Use the up and down arrows to change the order in which actions are performed in the rule. Some actions stop rule processing. For more information, see Rearrange Personal Rule Processing Order.
Do Not Disturb Status:
If you configure a rule based on a “Do Not Disturb” status which alerts
you by playing an audio file or displaying a desktop alert, you must also
include the “alert me even if I’m in a do not disturb status” action.
The rule conditions should look like this:
When I receive a call
If my status is a do not disturb status
Then alert me even if I’m in a do not disturb status
And ring my PC with <audio file>
3rd Page: In the Are there any exceptions when the rule should not run? page, select check boxes for exceptions to the rule that cause it not to run. Supply required attribute names or values. Click Next.
Click Finish.
Result: The rule appears in the Rules list in the Personal Rules dialog box.
Click Apply to save the rule.
Click OK to close the Personal Rules dialog box.
Specify an Attribute Name or Value
Attributes are information tags attached to an Interaction in the system. Attributes have names and values. CIC uses attributes to contain most of the data about an interaction. In addition, your CIC administrator can add custom attributes to an interaction as part of the call handling on the server.
In Personal Rules, attributes can be used to further define rule conditions.
Rules that require attribute names have the hyperlink <attribute name> in them. Click <attribute name> and supply the name of the desired attribute before continuing to the next Rule Wizard section.
Note: The PureConnect Documentation Library includes the Interaction Attributes Technical Reference which documents attributes available in a standard CIC server installation. Consult your CIC system administrator about custom attributes used in your installation.
Rules that require an attribute value have a hyperlink with the attribute name inside it (example, <status>, <time>, or <phone number>).
Note: If the attribute you are specifying is an audio file, see the following section, Audio Files.
To specify an attribute name or value:
Click any <attribute name> or <attribute value> hyperlink displayed in the rule conditions.
Enter the attribute name or select an attribute value in the attribute-specific dialog box that appears.
Click OK to save the attribute name or attribute value.
Playing Audio Files to Caller
When a rule plays audio files, the audio files must be saved in a Personal Storage area on the CIC server.
To play an audio file:
When you Create a Personal Rule, select an action such as "play <audio file> to the caller" or "ring my PC with <audio file>."
Click the <audio file> hyperlink displayed in the rule conditions.
Result: The Audio Files dialog box is displayed.
- Do one of the following:
In the File Name list, select an audio file from your personal storage area.
If the file you want is not listed, click Manage. In the Personal Storage Management dialog box, click Add. In the Open dialog box, locate the appropriate.wav file and click Open. Click Close. In the File Name list, select an audio file from your personal storage area.
In the Audio Files dialog box, click OK.
Result: The name of the selected audio file appears in the rule condition.
Copy a Personal Rule
To copy a personal rule:
In the Personal Rules dialog box, select a rule.
Click Copy.
Do one of the following:
Click Edit to make changes to the copied rule.
Click OK to save the copy and close the Personal Rules dialog box.
Edit a Personal Rule
To edit a personal rule:
In the Personal Rules dialog box, select a rule.
Click Edit.
Make any necessary changes. For more information, see Create Personal Rules.
Click Finish.
Click Apply to save the rule.
Click OK to close the Personal Rules dialog box.
Rearrange Personal Rule Processing Order
Rules are processed in top-to-bottom order based on the rules list in the Personal Rules dialog box.
Rules that contain actions which halt rule processing are indicated by Yes in the Actions Halt Processing column in the rules list. If all conditions for a rule are met and the rule includes a "stop processing rules" action, then CIC does not process the remaining rules in the Personal Rules list for the current interaction. Some other actions, such as sending a call to voice mail, can also stop the processing of subsequent rules.
To change personal rule processing order:
In the Personal Rules dialog box, select a rule.
Click the up or down arrows to the right of the rule list to move the selected rule to a new position in the list.
Click Apply to save the rule processing order.
Click OK to close the Personal Rules dialog box.
Turn a Personal Rule On or Off
You can suspend the processing of a selected rule without removing it from the rule list in the Personal Rules dialog box. Rules that are On have a check mark to the left of the rule name. Click this check box to turn a selected rule on or off.
Delete a Personal Rule
To delete a personal rule:
In the Personal Rules dialog box, select a rule.
Click Delete.
In the Client Rules dialog box, click Yes.
Click OK to close the Personal Rules dialog box.
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