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Using the Queue Control Toolbar

Requirements: Your CIC administrator controls whether a button appears on the Queue Control toolbar by default, whether you can add a specific button to the toolbar, and also whether you can use a specific button. If you do not see a specific button in the CIC client and you cannot add it to the toolbar or the button is disabled, you may not have the appropriate rights to see or use it.

Interaction Command Rights determine whether you can add a specific button to a Queue Control toolbar, if it does not appear by default.

My Interaction Rights determine the actions you can perform on interactions in My Interactions. Access Control rights determine which actions you can perform on other queues you have the rights to display. To Disconnect, Hold, Mute, Pickup or Transfer interactions, you need the appropriate Modify Station Queues, Modify User Queues, or Modify Workgroup Queues Access Control rights. To Coach, Join, Listen, Record, or Snip interactions, you need the appropriate Monitor Station Queues, Monitor User Queues, or Monitor Workgroup Queues Access Control rights.

The Queue Control toolbar helps you manage your interactions. It appears on each queue management view.

Queue Control Shortcuts and the shortcut menu

You can view the currently available queue control shortcuts by right-clicking on an interaction in My Interactions or other queue tab. This displays the shortcut menu for the current interaction. Actions that are not available for the current interaction are grayed-out.

Tip: Toolbar shortcuts work only if you click an interaction to ensure it has focus before you use the shortcut keys.

Related Topics

Custom Buttons

Customizing Toolbars

Queue Control Toolbar Buttons