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Voice Mail / Fax Paging

Requirements: You need the Customize Client Security right to configure voicemail and fax alerts. Client templates can contain configuration settings that determine your voicemail and fax alert settings and control whether you can alter configuration settings.

Voicemail and Fax Alerts settings control the methods used to alert you when you receive a fax or voice mail. You can also control whether you receive these alerts at any time of day or only during specific hours.

To set voice mail alert options:

  1. In the Configuration dialog box, expand the Alerting node, and then click Voicemail / Fax Paging.

  2. In the Alerting Method section, choose one of the following options:

Do Not Send Me Alerts

If selected, you do not receive alerts when you have messages waiting.

E-Mail Address

If selected, you receive alerts at the email address specified in the text field to the right.

Note: Your CIC administrator can set a server parameter that attaches a copy of the fax to the fax notification you receive at your email address.

Telephone Number

If selected, you receive alerts at a telephone number specified in the text field to the right.

If not selected, you receive alerts at a telephone number specified by the CIC administrator.

You can type both commas (,) and slashes (/) with the number you type. Comma causes a 2-second delay and numbers typed after the slash are dialed only after a connection is made. For example, if you typed the number "555-1212 / 101, 2222," the first seven digits are dialed. After a connection is made, the digits 101 are dialed, and after 2 seconds, the digits 2222 are dialed.

Note: Use of the comma (,) to create a 2-second delay is not supported in all platforms. This issue will be resolved in a future release.

Pager Number

Pager ID

If selected, you receive alerts on a pager at the number specified in the Pager Number text box. Supply the pager PIN in the Pager ID text field.

Note: If you use this alerting method, the alert includes the remote telephone number and the date and time of the call.

  1. In the Alerting Reason section, select the type of interaction event that triggers an alert:

I Receive a Voicemail

If selected, you receive an alert for new voice mail messages.

Any Voicemail

If selected, you receive an alert every time you receive a voice mail message.

Only Urgent Voicemails

If selected, you receive an alert only for voice mail messages marked urgent.

I Receive a New Fax

If selected, you receive an alert for new fax messages.

  1. In the Alerting Time section, select the times when you want to receive alerts.

Any Time of Day

If selected, you can receive alerts any time of the day.

Only Between

If selected, you can receive alerts only during specific hours (office hours, for example).

Click the arrows at the end of the Start box and choose the earliest time you want to be contacted. Click the arrows at the end of the End box and choose the latest time you want to be contacted.

  1. Click Apply to save your selections.

  2. Click OK to close the Configuration dialog box.

Related Topics

Client Templates

Understanding the Configuration Dialog Box