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Interaction Connect Help
Search a Directory
The CIC client uses a paged format to display large directories. Paging controls enable you to navigate from one page to another in the directory and locate a specific directory entry.
Note: By default, directories with more than 100 contacts appear in a paged format. However, your CIC administrator determines how large a directory must be before it appears in a paged format and how many contacts appear on a single page.
To search for a directory entry:
Enter the first few letters of the column entry (if it’s alphabetical), or enter the first few numbers (if it’s numerical) in the Search field on the directory tab.
Search for all combinations of specific letters by using * for a wildcard match. For example, use *ob to find all entries containing, but not necessarily beginning with, ob.
Note: Searches in Directory columns that contain comma-separated values, like Workgroups, automatically use a "contains" filter. The asterisk is not necessary.
Use the question mark (?) to represent one unknown character. For example, use ?ng to locate all entries beginning with any character where the second character is n and the third character is g.
Press Esc to clear all entries from the search fields.
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