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user.gifworkgrp.gif   Routing

You can set routing options at the user or workgroup level. Multiple mailboxes can now be monitored by a single workgroup or user. For each mailbox folder that feeds a queue, Interaction Administrator stores the email address. Because of address lookup, each entry in the list has mailbox, email address, inbound folder, and queued folder. The mailbox and email address uses the same method that is used for associating a user with a workgroup.

Tip: See Set Up Email Routing on ACD Queues.

Notes: When searching for a mailbox to select for ACD email routing, distribution lists and public folders are not listed in the search.

You cannot create an SMTP-monitored mailbox through a workgroup's ACD. If SMTP and IMAP are active, however, you can configure an SMTP/IMAP mailbox through a workgroup's ACD.

ACD Email Routing Active

Use this check box to activate email routing. When activated, CIC uses the same rules for email arriving for the workgroup as it does for calls and faxes.


Click Add to open the ACD Email Routing Mailbox dialog box.

Save replies to Sent Items folder

When this option is enabled, ACD routed email replies are saved to the Sent Items mailbox associated with the workgroup. This feature is supported for Exchange (EWS) integrations only.