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Interaction Administrator Help
Add New Broker Account
The settings on this page allow you to configure multiple accounts registered to the same broker, which may use the same broker interface and communication ports. Each broker may have an unlimited number of accounts. This page allows you to add, remove, or modify accounts.
Account ID
Type the identification number of the account as specified by the broker provider. The value you specify must be unique among all other account IDs on this broker. If a broker provider does not provide or use an account ID, then choose an arbitrary account identification.
Local Address
Type the phone number that represents this account entry. This setting is optional, but if you do specify a number, it must be unique among the other local addresses on this account. The local address serves two purposes:
CIC populates it on an outbound message if the broker profile requires its specification.
CIC populates it on inbound messages to create a pairing between the external party and an internal account. If the broker does not provide a local address on incoming messages, CIC uses this value for the message’s local address.
Type the user name to use for logging in to this account. You can leave this field blank if the broker does not require account validation.
Type the password that is associated with the login to use for logging in to this account. You can leave this field blank if the broker does not require account validation.
Confirm Password
Type the password again.