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Application Connection Security

By default, all application connections to the CIC server via the IC Notifier subsystem require SSL and certificates for validation. Using the medium level of connection security, you can optionally specify one or more PureConnect applications to not use SSL. Because SSL requires additional overhead to encrypt data, high volume sites that communicate with large amounts of data in the messages may notice latency. An example might be sites using Interaction Recorder and Interaction Recorder Client for audio or screen recordings may notice latency due to SSL related overhead. In such cases you may want to exclude these applications from using SSL. Applications that connect via the Session Manager subsystem (e.g., CIC clients, IceLib applications, etc.) do not need to be excluded from this list  because they do not incur the same overhead as applications connecting via Notifier.

You can also customize Interaction Center Extension Library (IceLib) applications that may not use SSL or that may require heavy data , to exclude them from requiring SSL connections.

To exclude specific PureConnect applications from using SSL:

  1. On the Connection Security page, set the slider bar to Medium and then click on the Configure application connection security… link.

  2. On the Application Connection Security dialog, select a CIC application from the application list.

  3. Click the Add button and the application appears in the Applications Not Requiring SSL: list.

  4. To remove an application from the list of applications not using SSL, select the application name from the Applications Not Requiring SSL: list and click the Remove button.

To exclude specific IceLib-based applications from using SSL:

  1. On the Connection Security page, set the slider bar to Medium and then click on the Configure application connection security… link.

  2. On the Application Connection Security dialog, type the IceLib application name or application ID passed in when connecting to the IC server in the IceLib-based Application: text field.

  3. Click the Add button and the application appears in the Applications Not Requiring SSL: list.

  4. To remove an application from the list of applications not using SSL, select the application name from the Applications Not Requiring SSL: list and click the Remove button.