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icdsicon.gif  Contact List Sources - Options

Add values for the following contact list source options.

Timeout (sec)

Type the number of seconds CIC should wait for a response from the data source before returning an error. If you leave this field blank, CIC uses the default timeout value of 60 seconds.

Query Row Limit

Enter the maximum number of rows the CIC data source can return in one query of the data source. The default value is 1000 rows.

Note: If you are configuring Interaction Tracker contact list sources, consider your operating conditions when setting the values for Timeout and Query Row Limit:

Timeout (sec)

• Under normal operating conditions, set the value to 300.

• Under heavy load or high tracing conditions—for example when diagnosing a problem—set the value to 900.

Query Row Limit

Set the value for this box to no less than 500,000. You can increase this value if needed by the client site. It should be higher than the combined counts of Individuals, Addresses, Attributes and Connections.