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Fax Send Options

The default send options of a fax, sent by the Interaction Fax Viewer, are controlled by the following fields:

Note: These fields and values appear in the Interaction Fax Viewer's Send Fax dialog box, on the Options page, where users can specify different values, if necessary.

Fax Speed

Select the fax transmission speed according to the fax modem capacity of the recipients. By default, the fax server uses the fastest (Best) transmission speed available on the fax modems. If necessary, you can specify another transmission speed.

Num. Retries

Type zero (0) or a positive whole number indicating how many times the server should try to send the fax if it fails to send it on the first attempt (for example, the line is busy or down).

No Answer Timeout

Type the number of seconds CIC should use to determine no answer when a dialed fax number rings but does not connect. If the dialed number does not answer within this amount of time, CIC will terminate the attempted call. The default value is 30 seconds, which represents approximately five rings (in North America).

Retry Delay (seconds)

Type zero (0) or a positive whole number indicating how many seconds the server should wait between the end of a fax failure and the next time it tries to send. The default value is 60 seconds.

Fax Group

Select the name of a default fax group for everyone to use, or select the asterisk (*), which means select any fax group. Fax group names are created in the Fax Group Configuration property page of Interaction Administrator.

Allow Faxes to be Sent During Peak Hours

Select this check box to allow faxes to be sent during peak hours (as defined in Peak Hours).

Peak Hours

Select peak hours by setting the Begin and End times in 24 hour (XX:XX) format. For example, begin time may be "12:00", and end time may be "05:59".