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Interaction Administrator Help
Host Server
The optionally licensed host tools and host server executable provide an interface between CIC and data stored on mainframe or AS400 computers. CIC's host server subsystem supports a specific number of concurrent connections to the host computer, based on the number of licenses purchased.
Note: Contact your authorized reseller or Genesys to purchase a CIC license key for host access tools.
Maximum number of concurrent sessions:
Enter a number that corresponds to the maximum number of threads you want CIC's host server (HostServerU.exe) to support at one time. The largest number you can enter is equal to the number of concurrent session licenses you purchased from Genesys. For example, if you purchased 24 concurrent session licenses for host computer connections, you could set this field to 24, or any number less than 24 if you wanted to restrict the maximum number of concurrent sessions allowed. Licenses are sold in bundles of 10, 24, and 50.
Host Tools Path:
By default the Host Tools Path is {SERVER PATH}\HostTools. Use this field If you need to change the default path to a local path. The path you enter here overrides the default path.
See Also
CIC Host Integration Solutions document in the Technical Reference Documents section of the PureConnect Documentation Library on the CIC server.