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Daily Agent Availability Constraints

Use this page to configure the availability constraints for the selected agent. Occasionally, agents have work schedule conflicts that need to be accounted for in the shift schedule. These conflicts are less common to schedule around than the more general shift constraints that apply to everyone. Click here for more information on the differences in agent constraints vs. shift constraints.

Interaction Optimizer uses the most constrained value of the daily agent  availability constraints and the daily shift constraints, using the maximum of the minimums and the minimums of the maximums.

For example, if an agent's minimum paid time in the daily agent availability constraint has a value of 0, but the agent's minimum paid time in the daily shift constraint has a value of 2, the daily shift constraint value of 2 is used because it's more constrained.

See Agents for a daily agent constraint example.

Shift Configuration

Use this section to set start, stop and paid time for this agent. Hours and minutes can be specified in each field.  Click on the hours position or the minutes position, then click the up or down arrow keys. Each active day that is assigned a constraint, is listed as an Active Day in the Agent Configuration dialog box.

Earliest Shift Start Time

Select this check box to set the earliest time in the AM or PM hour this agent will be allowed to start the shift. 8:00 AM is the default value for this setting.

Latest Shift Stop Time

Select this check box to set the latest time in the AM or PM hour this agent can end the shift. 5:00 PM is the default value for this setting.

Minimum Paid Time

Select this check box to set the minimum time in hours this agent can be paid for this shift. 4 hours is the default value for this setting. For example, a value of 0 means that the agent is not required to have any paid time for that day.

Maximum Paid Time

Select this check box to set the maximum time in hours this agent can be paid for this shift. 10 hours is the default value for this setting.

Active Days

Select the days that this agent is available for a shift.


This section lists the scheduled activities during a shift for the selected agent. The Activity Type, Earliest Start, Latest Start, and Activity Length are displayed. Click Add to add a new activity, click Edit to change the existing activity, or click Remove to remove an activity for the selected agent.