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Security Specifications

Interaction Process Automation provides data-level security that allows each customer the flexibility to specify which users, workgroups, and/or roles can access each data variable.

If your company needs to track sensitive information as part of a process, you can use a security specification to grant access to only those users or workgroups who need to view that data.

You assign users or workgroups to a security specification to give them access to any data that is bound to that specification. If no security specification is assigned to a data variable, everyone has access to that data.

You can add and modify security specifications in Interaction Administrator, and then bind them to data variables in the Property tab in Interaction Process Automation Designer. You can also delete security specifications. This topic includes instructions for:

Adding a Security Specification

To add a security specification:

  1. Expand the Interaction Process Automation container in Interaction Administrator.

  2. Within the Interaction Process Automation container, click the Security Specifications sub-container.

  3. Right-click in the area on the right side of the Interaction Administrator window, and then click New from the shortcut menu that appears.

  4. In the Entry Name dialog, type a name for the new security specification, and then click OK. The Security Specifications Configuration dialog appears.

  5. On the Configuration tab, click Members.

  6. In the Select Users dialog, select each user, workgroup, or role for which you want to grant access, and then click Add.

  7. Once you have selected all the users, click OK.

  8. This option is reserved for a future release. Under For members that don’t have full-access, choose either of the following or leave both options unselected:

    Choose this option…


    Do not show data

    You don’t want the data to appear at all for users, workgroups, and roles not in the Members list.

    Show only right 4 characters

    You only want to display the right four characters for users, workgroups, and roles not in the Members list. (useful for data such as credit card numbers).

  9. Click OK.

The security specifications you added should now be available to apply to data variables in Interaction Process Automation Designer.

Modifying a Security Specification

You can modify a security specification to add or remove members.

To modify a security specification:

  1. In the Security Specifications sub-container, double-click the security specification to modify. The Security Specifications Configuration dialog appears.

  2. On the Configuration tab, click Members .

  3. Do one of the following:

  • To add a member, select the member from the list and then click Add.

  • To remove a member, select the name in the list at the bottom of the dialog and then press Delete.

  1. Once you have added or removed the appropriate members, click OK.

  2. Click OK to close the Security Specifications Configuration dialog.

Deleting a Security Specification

Caution: If you delete a security specification that has been assigned to a data variable in Interaction Process Automation Designer, you could cause the data to be unreadable.

To delete a security specification:

  1. In the Security Specifications container, right-click the security specification to delete. Interaction Administrator displays a message to warn you that deleting a security specification that has been assigned to a data variable will make that data unreadable.

  2. Click Yes to confirm the deletion or click No to cancel the deletion.