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Interaction Administrator Help
Interaction Tracker stores all information about interactions and participants in tables in the Interaction Tracker Database. These tables are queried for information. Use this Database tab to configure the database behavior.
Note: Interaction Tracker data is stored in the same database as Reporting and IC Public and Private Contacts data, although in different tables.
IC Data Source Name
Enter the IC Data Source Name for the Interaction Tracker database. The default value is IC Tracker.
Query Row Limit
Enter the maximum number of rows to query. The default value is 500.
Query Timeout (sec)
Enter the number of seconds to allow for a database query before timing out. The default value is 45.
Transaction Timeout (sec)
Enter the number of seconds to allow a database transaction before timing out. The default value is 10.
Enable Query Optimizations with Hints (SQL Server)
This query optimization only for SQL Server. By selecting this check box, SQL Server Query processor will use join strategy specified by the Tracker application instead of using the default one.
This setting does not apply to Oracle databases.
Restore Defaults
Click this button to restore settings on the Database tab to default values.
Note: For more information regarding the Interaction Tracker database schema and database planning, see the Interaction Tracker Technical Reference.