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Interaction Administrator Help
Interaction Administrator controls Interaction Tracker's security. You control access and rights in Interaction Tracker features by setting Tracker Policies in the Security tab in the User configuration. The rights available to apply to a user are:
Add Individuals
Modify Individuals
Delete Individuals
Add Organizations
Modify Organizations
Delete Organizations
Modify Interactions
View Other People's Private Interactions
Have Private Contacts
Tracker Administration
Organizations include Locations.
Interactions include Interaction Participants.
The ability to see other people’s non-private interactions is administered via the ‘View User Interaction History’ category on the Access Control tab of the User Configuration.
Add, Modify, and Delete rights apply to manual operations using the Tracker Client – automatic insertion and modification of interactions by the system is not affected by these rights.
Interaction Recorder's access control is used to determine whether or not users can playback any recorded media for the interaction. The exception to this is when the user is a participant in the interaction; in this case he/she will always be able to playback any recordings for his/her segment of the interaction.
The user who creates a record becomes the current owner. Owners of a record always have full rights (the system prevents you from deleting a record that is being used).