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icdsicon.gif  JDBC-ODBC Data Source Configuration

Select the appropriate values or enter the appropriate configuration data to create a CIC data source for an ODBC compliant data repository.

Note: If you use an ODBC data source for speed dial entries, it must have identical data layout as the SQL Server SpeedDial table (found in I3EIC.mdb on the SQL Server computer), and it must provide read/write access. Alternatively, if the layout is not identical, you must create a view to match the data layout.


This is a JDBC-ODBC data source. Subtype is one of the listed ODBC compliant relational databases, or another database that includes a Type 1 ODBC driver. The default setting is "DB2 Family", and other options are "Informix", "Ingres", "Oracle", "MS Access", "MS SQL Server", "Sybase", and "Other".

Read Only

Select this check box if CIC client users cannot update this data source. Clear the check box if CIC client users will be able to add, modify, or delete entries in this data source (that is, it is Read/Write accessible).


Type the name of the System Data Source Name field in the ODBC Administrator used to create the data source. The DSN must be a System DSN, not a User DSN.


If one is required, type the table qualifier used to access the tables in this data source. The qualifier may be the owner or creator of the table, or it may be the path to the table, depending on the database.

User ID

Type a user ID if one is required to connect to the data source.

The user ID is determined by the administrator and the database tool used to create the data source.


Type a password if one is required to connect to the data source.

The password is determined by the administrator and the database tool used to create the data.

Manually enter connection string

Select this box to manually enter an ODBC connection string in the Connection String field below.

Connection String

This field appears dimmed and is unavailable, unless you first select the Manually enter connection string box above. Type the customized ODBC connection string to connect to the target database. This uses the Qualifier entered above, if any.

Additional Information

Some CIC data sources may need to specify additional information or need a way to temporarily override the default behavior. Attributes in the Additional Information field could include the Catalog= and Schema= statements, as illustrated in the IC Report Logs CIC data source. For example:


Multiple attributes are separated by semicolons (;).

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