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Interaction Administrator Help
Navigation Controls
The following navigation controls are always available in Interaction Administrator:
Lists support quick-key selection. That means you can select an entry inside any list and then press the letter or number key that begins the entry you want to select. The cursor jumps to the first entry in the list that begins with that character. If there are multiple entries that begin with the same character, you can continue to press the same character key to select the next entry that begins with that character.
In the list view (right pane), once an entry is highlighted, you can press Enter to open the page for that entry.
When a configuration dialog box is open to a particular page, and there are multiple entries in that configuration container, you can click on the >> button at the bottom of the page to view that page in the next entry down the list. If the Confirm Auto-save check box is selected, you can make changes to each page, click the >> (or << to go up) button, and the changes are saved automatically.
Interaction Administrator automatically remembers which container was selected from one session to the next. In addition, it remembers which property page you were on each time you open a page.
Context sensitive menus are available in the list view (right pane) when you right-click, or when you see the Context menu available on the menu bar. The available menus depend on which container is selected.