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Recording Generation

Use this page to configure Interaction Recorder's recording generation options.


Select the options in the Recording box to configure how Interaction Recorder server initiates recordings.

Enable Recording

Select this check box to record all interactions that qualify for recording based on Interaction Recorder Initiation Policies. If this box is not selected, recordings will not be generated.

Stop Interaction Recorder Initiated Recordings at Transfers

Select this check box to stop recording a call when it is transferred. If this check box is selected, each transferred segment of a call will be its own recording and database entry.

If this check box is clear (not selected), recording continues after the transfer. This applies only to calls that were defined to be recorded by the Initiation Policy. Also, if this box is not selected, it is not possible to play only a segment of the call or skip to a specific segment.

Default Audio playback device of recordings to the handset

Select this check box to set the handset as the default audio playback device for a recording. When listening to a recording, the audio playback device can be changed on the Audio menu in the Interaction Recorder Audio Playback window, in IC Business Manager.

Enable Snippet Recordings

To enable the snippet recording feature on this CIC server, select this check box. This feature allows users to create ad hoc recordings of their interactions.

Encrypt Snippet Recordings

To enable the encryption of snippet recordings, select the Encrypt Snippet Recordings check box. This option is available only if you enable snippet recordings.


For more information about configuring encryption for recordings, see Key Generation.

In order for users to make snippet recordings, you must also assign the appropriate security rights and permissions to them. Depending on the person, some combination of the following items is necessary:

* Security Rights > Interaction Command Rights > Snip
* Security Rights > My Interaction Rights > Snip Interactions
* Access Control > Queues category > User Queues > Advanced Access Details > Monitor > Snip

For more information about the security rights and permissions that you set in Interaction Administrator, see Assign security rights and Assign access control rights.

For more information about Snippet Recordings, including information about the necessary licenses, see the Interaction Recorder and Interaction Quality Manager Technical Reference in the PureConnect Documentation Library.

Enable HTTPS Exchanges for Playback, Archiving, and Exporting Recordings

Select this check box to use HTTPs for: communication and traffic for playback, archiving; and exporting of calls, chat, and email recordings.

Unlicensed Recordings

Recordings are encumbered if the user or station was not properly licensed for Interaction Recorder when the recording was made. Encumbered recordings are listed in a search result in the Interaction Recorder client search results view when the Recording is Encumbered search attribute is used. Encumbered recordings cannot be played back.

To unencumber a recording, first fix the licensing for the user that has encumbered recordings. Next, contact PureConnect Customer Care to get an unencumber key to unlock the encumbered recording that needs to be played back. Then in the Unlicensed Recordings field, enter a valid unlock code to unencumber the encumbered recordings on the server.