
  • Contents
  • Index


A location represents an area where things are considered to be in the same physical place. This location defines a set of endpoints (lines, stations, and servers) that share a common dial plan, and it defines Codec communications for the endpoints. A Codec mapping defines the list of Codecs for two locations to communicate with each other sharing a common set of bandwidth requirements. The stations and lines that are members of a Location define the dial plan entries that are applicable to a locale they are operating in.

Use the Location container to configure the following:

How CIC prioritizes multiple locations  

In IA, you can select locations for the following items:

  • Users

  • Stations

  • Lines

When a user initiates or transfers a call, CIC determines which servers to use in the following ways:

  • When a user makes an outbound call while logged in to a workstation, CIC uses the servers in the station's region.

  • When a users makes an outbound call while logged in to a remote station or remote number, CIC uses the servers in the user's region.

  • If a user transfers an inbound call to an external number with the forward, follow me, or TUI transfer feature, CIC uses stations in the region of the line on which the inbound call arrived.



Related topics

SIP Line Region

SIP Station Region

Regional Dial Plan

Home Site Configuration

Location Assistant

Peer Site Configuration

User Configuration

Managed IP Phone Configuration - General