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Interaction Administrator Help
SMS Broker: Message Originated
A Mobile Origination (MO) message is an inbound SMS message that comes from a cellphone. Use this page to configure settings when polling for new messages and receiving new messages.
Select this check box to enable or disable the MO functionality of this broker configuration. However, the broker configuration Enable setting has precedence over this setting.
Incoming HTTP Port
Type the IP port that should be used to receive inbound HTTP requests (messages) from the broker provider. Do not share this port with any other application on the CIC server, and make sure it is accessible by the public network.
Incoming Path
Type the path that an incoming request’s URL should be validated against which determines that the request should be processed by this broker configuration.
If this broker shares an incoming HTTP port with other brokers on this
CIC server, make sure that the Incoming
Path and Delivery Receipt URL
values are unique among all brokers that share this port.
When ordering a service from an SMS provider, you must provide the information
on this page. Typically, the information should be in the form of a URL
that the provider can send messages to. This URL is composed of http://<CIC
Server IP>:< HTTP Port><Path>, so for example,
Delivery Receipt URL
Type the path where the broker pushes incoming delivery receipt notifications for outbound messages.
Most brokers support delivery receipts in one of the following ways:
- The delivery receipt URL is set in the broker account configuration, for example through the broker's web portal.
- The delivery receipt URL is passed by CIC with each outbound message. In this case, you must go to the Message Terminated tab and specify a value for the ExternalDeliveryStatusURI option.
Note: If this broker shares an incoming HTTP port with other brokers on this CIC server, make sure that the Incoming Path and Delivery Receipt URL values are unique among all brokers that share this port.
If the broker provides delivery receipts, CIC writes the success or failure counts to the SMSDeliveryReceipts database table.
Related Topics
SMS Broker: Serial Ports and Cell Phones