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Interaction Administrator Help
CE Phone Administration
Use this tab to enable the SIP Station (stand-alone phone or workstation only) to be used as a CE Phone device, associate the phone to an Active Directory User entry, and to set the Active Directory attributes of the phone.
A CE Phone is a SIP station phone that is running Windows CE operating system. It's a desk phone that plugs into the network with standard patch cable. For more information see Windows CE at msdn.microsoft.com.
Note: This tab will only appear if the user is licensed for SIP.
Enable this SIP Station as a CE Phone
Select this check box to enable this SIP Station as a CE Phone.
Data Source
Click Set User Association to open the Associate Active Directory User dialog box.
User Entry
The user entry information based on the user association is displayed. Click Clear User Association to clear to set a new user association.
CE Phone Attribute List
Once the this list is populated, the Attribute, AD (Active Directory) Value, and Desired Value associate to the CE Phone is displayed. You must click Query AD for the system to query the Active Directory data, and if the query is successful the list is populated. If any errors (for example, user not found) are encountered the you'll receive an error message.
Click Edit to modify the Desired Values in the CE Phone Desired Settings dialog box. Any changes made to the Desired Value of an attribute are reflected in the CE Phone Attribute List after you click OK in the in CE Phone Desired Settings dialog box. If an attribute's AD Value is equal to the Desired Value, a green "checkmark" is displayed next to the attribute in the list. If an attribute's AD Value is not equal or out of date with respect to the Desired Value, a red "X" is displayed.
Click Apply or OK to synchronize the AD user entry and ensures the following:
Data Source entries for the Active Directory User DN and the Active Directory Data Source are saved
Active Directory changes are saved