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SystemConfig.gif Site Information

Enter site information that Interaction Tracker and other CIC components require.

Interaction Tracker uses the information to create user Organization and Location records during the CIC user import. Tracker uses the records to link interactions to CIC users.

Organization Name

Enter the name of your company, for example,"Acme Corporation" or "Acme". The default is OrganizationName.

In a Multi-Site environment, the name should be the same for each site.

Location Name

(Optional) Enter an identifier for physical location, for example, "Indianapolis" or "HQ" or "2nd Floor". The location should generally reflect a mailing address.

If you configured for Multi-Site during installation the Site ID is set. You can change this if it does not suit the location scheme for your customer site. (Note that Site ID is not related to physical location.)

Note: There are no requirements for how to name a location. Choose the scheme that works best for your customer site.