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Interaction Administrator Help
Parameter Configuration
Type a value for the parameter.
Parameters are like macro names that can be included as a variable in a handler step, a path to a report, and so on. When the handler runs or the report is generated, the parameter is expanded and its value is used in the process.
Note: Parameters
can have a server-level scope which is known as a server parameter, a
system-wide (for example, enterprise) scope which is known as a system
parameter. Their names and configuration are otherwise identical.
Server parameters are available only on a particular CIC server and system
parameters are available on all CIC servers on a network.
For example, server parameter values could include a valid directory path,
a DLL file name, a database name, and so on. A system parameter might
contain a corporate phone number or some other enterprise-wide value referenced
by handlers on multiple servers.
Certain chat parameters are used
for Web Services.
Using Parameters
If you use multiple references to the content of a particular directory whose location may change, or if you use multiple references to some other value that may change, you should probably define a server or system parameter. Using a parameter in such cases allows you to change the value in one location (where the parameter is defined) instead of looking for and changing all locations of the value.
For example, suppose a few handlers and a configuration attribute need to reference the directory containing report files. Create a server parameter named ReportsPath whose value is, for example, D:\EIC\Reports\. Then, wherever you need to refer to the contents of that directory, specify the name ${ReportsPath} instead of the physical directory name. Such references work in Interaction Administrator fields.
Note: Parameters containing directory paths (for example, ServerReportLogOutputPath) are not updated, nor are they recognized immediately, when you change a path. To update these values, you must restart CIC.