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Interaction Administrator Help
Configure reports for your
CIC server
<IC Server> > Configuration > Server Configuration > Report Configuration
To activate DNIS reporting data in the Queue Period Statistics data, select the Generate DNIS reporting data check box. When this feature is activated, the report group for calls is DNIS-{Dnis} and all calls are put into a statistics group called DNIS. You can generate the DNIS reports that are included with CIC.
To activate reporting by media type, select the Generate media type reporting data... check box.
The Display report version in reports check box is not currently used.
Reporting intervals
To change the interval during which CIC collects report data, in the Queue/IVR reporting interval (min) field, use the up and down arrow keys to set the number of minutes to collect data in a reporting interval. The default value is 30 minutes.
Note: The minimum allowable interval is 15 minutes. If you specify an smaller interval, then CIC automatically uses 15 minutes.
To change the report log interval period for the line and line group data, in the Line reporting interval (min) field, use the up and down arrow keys to set the length in minutes of the report log interval. The default value is 30 minutes.
Proxy enabled reporting
The values in this section allow you to set limits on the amount of time your users wait for Internet enabled reports before they time-out.
Note: The default settings are appropriate for most customers. Do not change these values unless your access to reports is critical, or you run a significant number of reports. These settings are per session manager.
Maximum Reporting Proxy Client Connections: This is the highest number of IC clients that can simultaneously access reports through the proxy.
Maximum Proxied Report Run Time (min): This is the highest run time (in minutes) allowed for a report running through the proxy.
Reporting Proxy Client Timeout (sec): This is the amount of time (in seconds) that a report running through the proxy can be inactive.
For information about running Internet-based reports, see Report Connection Configuration and the PureConnect Reporting Technical Reference in the PureConnect Documentation Library.
Related topics
Overview of report configuration