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Interaction Administrator Help
Workgroup Queue Service Level
Use this page to configure service level distribution and target for each interaction type.
Note: For each media type, you can specify up to 14 service levels. You must have a minimum of 1 service level for each type (call, callback, chat, and so on).
Service Level Distribution
This section allows the customization of service levels for each interaction type. Use the arrow keys to set the time for a new service level and click Add, or select an existing service level and click Delete to remove one.
Service Level Target
Use the arrow keys to set the time for the target or 'master' service level for each interaction type for this ACD workgroup. By specifying a master service level, you can determine how many interactions met the level, and how many did not. The default service level target for each interaction is:
Call: 30 seconds
Callback: 4 hours
Chat: 30 seconds
Direct Message: 4 hours
Email: 4 hours
Generic: 30 seconds
Social Conversation: 4 hours
Social Direct Message: 4 hours
Work Item: 4 hours