
  • Contents

Associate a physical address with each Genesys phone number

Follow these steps to associate a physical street address with each Genesys-provided telephone number. You will enter addresses using the MyCloud Number Management portal.  

  1. Using a web browser, navigate to the MyCloud website at

  2. Enter your login credentials. A list of organizations you are a member of appears.

  3. Locate your organization in the list. Click the row to open your profile.

  4. Click the Menu icon.

  5. Select Number Management from the slide-out menu.

  6. Select telephone numbers by checking the box in the first column. It is OK to select multiple numbers at this time.

  7. Once telephone numbers are selected, click Edit Selected Numbers to open the editor. This button is below the view.

  8. For each telephone number, fill in text boxes to provide email and address information. As a best practice, assign a business address to remote numbers and SIP soft phones too. Then click "Update" to save changes to the MyCloud database.

    Note: If an address is not provided, Genesys will pre-populate each number with the customer billing address on record.

  9. When you are finished, click the user icon. Then sign out of MyCloud.

Next E911 Configuration Task: Set a custom attribute for each user or station