Class | Description | |
AddInVersion |
Information about the current AddIn API version.
The AddIn API version is used to determine whether or not
breaking changes have occurred in the API since the version
an AddIn was compiled against.
| |
AddInVersionAttribute |
An assembly-level attribute to indicate what version of the
Interaction Client AddIn interface an AddIn was compiled against.
| |
AddInWindow |
A base class for implementing an Interaction Client AddIn-based window.
| |
DuplicateWindowException |
An exception thrown when a IWindow with the same
category and identifier has already been registered.
| |
InteractionAttributes |
A helper class that exposes some common interaction attribute names.
| |
InteractionAttributeValues |
Helpers for common interaction attribute values.
| |
InteractionAttributeValues..::..CallType |
Values for the CallType interaction attribute.
| |
InteractionAttributeValues..::..Direction |
Values for the Direction interaction attribute.
| |
InteractionAttributeValues..::..InteractionType |
Values for the InteractionType interaction attribute.
| |
InteractionAttributeValues..::..State |
Values for the State interaction attribute.
| |
InteractionEventArgs | EventArgs that contain an interaction.
| |
NotificationServiceUtility |
A helper class that adds common overloads (using defaults) to an INotificationService.
| |
QueueMonitor |
A base class for monitoring an Interaction Center queue.
| |
ScreenPop |
A base class for implementing a screen pop Interaction Client AddIn.
| |
SecureInput |
A base class for implementing a custom secure input Interaction Client AddIn.
| |
ServiceNotFoundException |
An exception thrown when a required service type is not found.
| |
WindowRegistrationParameters |
A set of values used to register a window.
Interface | Description | |
IAddIn |
The base interface for an Interaction Client AddIn.
| |
ICallService |
A service that enables the creating of call interactions.
| |
IDialService | Obsolete.
A service that exposes dial-related operations.
| |
IInteraction |
An interaction on the Interaction Center server.
| |
IInteractionSelector |
A service for retrieving the user's selected interaction.
| |
IInteractionService |
A service that returns interactions from specified interaction IDs.
| |
INotificationService |
A service that notifies the user using supplied information.
| |
IQueue |
A queue in the Interaction Center server.
| |
IQueueService |
An application service that returns a queue for a given queue name.
| |
IScreenPop |
Initiates a screen pop. Implement this interface and add an instance of the implementation
to the IScreenPopService to enable the screen pop.
| |
IScreenPopService |
A service that manages IScreenPop instances.
| |
ISecureInput |
Provides access to a custom secure input. Implement this interface and add an instance of the implementation
to the ISecureInputService to make the custom secure input available.
| |
ISecureInputForm |
A secure input form is a control (Windows Forms or WPF) that is embedded into a containing window
and shown to the user in order to collect information before sending a caller into
a secure IVR session.
| |
ISecureInputService |
A service that manages ISecureInput instances.
| |
ITraceContext |
A tracing context from which messages can be added to the Interaction Client log file.
| |
IWatchedInteraction |
An IInteraction that raises the InteractionChanged event
when its attributes change.
| |
IWindow |
A window (also referred to as a "Page") in the Interaction Client user interface.
Windows are added and removed by users.
| |
IWindowManager |
Windows registered with this interface are made available to the user
in the "Pages" dialog, the same place that allows the user to add
directory or queue "tabs" to the Interaction Client's user interface.
Delegate | Description | |
CreateWindowDelegate |
Delegate used to create a new IWindow.
Enumeration | Description | |
NotificationType |
The type, or severity, of a notification. This will,
at a minimum, influence the notification icon.