The InteractionAttributes type exposes the following members.


Public propertyStatic memberCallType
The type of call interaction. (Intercom/External)
Public propertyStatic memberConferenceId
The conference ID the interaction belongs to.
Public propertyStatic memberDirection
The direction of the current interaction.
Public propertyStatic memberInitiationTime
The time at which the interaction was initiated.
Public propertyStatic memberInteractionId
The interaction ID.
Public propertyStatic memberInteractionType
The interaction type.
Public propertyStatic memberLineName
The name of the line the interaction is currently on.
Public propertyStatic memberLog
The interaction log.
Public propertyStatic memberMuted
The muted state of the interaction.
Public propertyStatic memberNotes
The notes associated with the interaction.
Public propertyStatic memberPrivate
The private state of the interaction.
Public propertyStatic memberRemoteAddress
The remote address of the interaction. This is the value that was dialed, and should be used for dialing.
Public propertyStatic memberRemoteId
The remote ID of the interaction. This is a display-friendly value that represents the dial string.
Public propertyStatic memberRemoteName
The remote name of the interaction.
Public propertyStatic memberState
The current state of the interaction.
Public propertyStatic memberStateDisplay
A user displayable version of the current state of the interaction.
Public propertyStatic memberStationName
The name of the station the interaction is currently on.
Public propertyStatic memberTerminationTime
The time at which the interaction was terminated.
Public propertyStatic memberUserName
The name of the user the interaction is currently assigned to.
Public propertyStatic memberWorkgroupName
The workgroup name.

See Also