The ContactListConfiguration type exposes the following members.


Public propertyChanged (Inherited from EditableListConfigurationObject<(Of <(<'ContactListConfiguration..::..Property>)>)>.)
Public propertyColumnMap
A case-insensitive mapping of all column names in the contact list to their column definitions.
Public propertyConfigurationId (Inherited from ListConfigurationObject.)
Public propertyConnection
The Id of the database connection used to access the contact list table.
Public propertyContactColumns
The columns in the contact list table that are marked as phone number columns.
Public propertyDNCMetadataColumnMap
A case-insensitive mapping of all column names in the DNC Metadata table to their column definitions.
Public propertyDurationOfOwnership
The number of hours a contact record is exclusively owned by a campaign.
Public propertyEnableCampaignOwnership
Toggles whether or not the records in the contact list can be exclusively owned by a campaign.
Public propertyEnableDncComMetaData
Toggles whether or not Dialer is recording DNC.Com meta data.
Public propertyEnableMetaDataCleanup
Toggles whether or not Dialer automatically deletes records from the table older than then MetadataDuration period.
Public propertyIsDefaultObject
Indicates whether this is the default instance of this object type.
Public propertyIsExporting
Tells whether the current object is being used for exporting
Public propertyIsNewObject (Inherited from ConfigurationObject.)
Public propertyMetaDataDuration
The number of days dialer will wait before deleting a record from the meta data table.
Public propertyOriginalConfigurationId (Inherited from ListConfigurationObject.)
Public propertyPNDColumnMap
A case-insensitive mapping of all column names in the Phone Number Details table to their column definitions.
Public propertyRevisionLevel
The current version of this object.
Public propertyTableName
The name of the contact list table.

See Also