Possible fields checked in phone number detail policy conditions.

Namespace: ININ.IceLib.Configuration.Dialer.DataTypes
Assembly: ININ.IceLib.Dialer (in ININ.IceLib.Dialer.dll) Version: (


public enum PNDCounter
Visual Basic
Public Enumeration PNDCounter


Member nameValueDescription
TotalAttempts0The total number of previous attempts made to call this contact.
AttemptsAbandoned1The number of previous attempts to this contact that were classified as abandoned.
AttemptsBusy2The number of previous attempts to this contact with a result of "busy".
AttemptsFax3The number of previous attempts to this contact with a result of "fax".
AttemptsAnsweringMachine4The number of previous attempts to this contact with a result of "answering machine".
AttemptsNoAnswer5The number of previous attempts to this contact with a result of "no answer".
AttemptsRemoteHangup6The number of previous attempts to this contact with a result of "remote hang up".
AttemptsRescheduled7The number of previous attempts to this contact with a result of "rescheduled".
AttemptsSystemHangup8The number of previous attempts to this contact with a result of "system hang up".
AttemptsSitCallable9The number of previous attempts to this contact with a result of "SIT callable".

See Also