
Public classAccessDataSet
An enumerable and appendable data source respresenting a table in a Microsoft Access database.
Public classBaseScriptMiscellaneous
A collection of miscellaneous properties of a base script.
Public classCallStage
A part of a campaign phone call, such as the sales pitch or collecting order information.
Public classCSVDataSet
An enumerable and appendable data source representing a text file containing comma-separated values.
Public classCSVDataSet..::..CSVDataSetEnumerator
Supports all classes in the .NET Framework class hierarchy and provides low-level services to derived classes. This is the ultimate base class of all classes in the .NET Framework; it is the root of the type hierarchy.
Public classDBColumn
A class representing a column in a database table.
Public classDNCScrubResult
A class representing DNC Scrubbing result
Public classDNCSourceCampaign
A class representing DNC.Com campaign
Public classExcelDataSet
An enumerable and appendable data source representing a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
Public classExcelDataSet..::..ExcelDataSetEnumerator
Supports all classes in the .NET Framework class hierarchy and provides low-level services to derived classes. This is the ultimate base class of all classes in the .NET Framework; it is the root of the type hierarchy.
Public classInboundWorkgroup
A class representing inbound call limits for a particular workgroup.
Public classOleDbDataSet
An enumerable data source accessed using the .NET Framework Data Provider for OLE DB.
Public classOleDbDataSet..::..OleDbDataSetEnumerator
Supports all classes in the .NET Framework class hierarchy and provides low-level services to derived classes. This is the ultimate base class of all classes in the .NET Framework; it is the root of the type hierarchy.
Public classOracleDataSet
An enumerable and appendable data source representing a table in an Oracle database.
Public classScheduledCall
A scheduled call for an existing contact.
Public classScheduleTimeSlot
A time slot for use in Schedule objects. Specifies the state of a campaign in a given time range.
Public classSortColumn
A class representing a sort clause in a SQL statement.
Public classSQLServerDataSet
An enumerable and appendable data source representing a table in a SQL Server database.
Public classTimeSlot
Represents a period of time.
Public classZone
A collection of time slots representing a time zone. The slots determine when dialing is blocked for this time zone.


Public interfaceIDataSet
Represents an enumerable and appendable data source not accessible from any Dialer connections.
Public interfaceIDataSetEnumerator
Supports iteration of records in a dataset.


Public enumerationAbandonCalculationMode
Methods for calculating abandon rates.
Public enumerationAbandonInclusionMode
Describes when a call should be abandoned for remote hangups, system hangups, and when no agent is available.
Public enumerationActionType
Possible actions performable by an agentless policy condition.
Public enumerationAgentlessAction
Possible actions to perform on an agentless call.
Public enumerationAllowedCampaignGroupProperty
Allowed Campaign Properties that can be used by Ruleset Actions or Sequence Campaign Groups.
Public enumerationAttributeOperation
Operations that may be applied to an attribute value in a attribute policy behavior.
Public enumerationCallAnalysisResult
Possible values of call analysis results for a call analysis policy condition.
Public enumerationCallAttributeType
Accepted data types for call attribute policy conditions.
Public enumerationCallbackTimeMode
Possible modes used in callback policy behaviors.
Public enumerationCallCategory
Possible categories for a call category policy condition. Can be treated as bit field.
Public enumerationCallRoutingMode
Possible modes used in call routing policy behaviors.
Public enumerationCampaignAction
Possible actions that a rule may perform on a campaign.
Public enumerationCampaignDialingMode
The available calling modes for a campaign.
Public enumerationComparisonOperator
Enumeration of basic comparison operators used in rule and policy conditions.
Public enumerationDatabaseType
Supported database management systems.
Public enumerationDNCScrubQueryResult
DNC Scrub Query Result Type
Public enumerationDNCScrubSourceType
DNC Scrubbing Source
Public enumerationEventLogSeverity
Possible severity levels used in event log policy behaviors.
Public enumerationMaxDailyAttemptType
Determines How the Max Daily Attempts property should be implemented.
Public enumerationOutboundLineType
Available methods for making calls in a campaign.
Public enumerationPenetrationRateCalculationMode
Methods for calculating Penetration Rate.
Public enumerationPNDCounter
Possible fields checked in phone number detail policy conditions.
Public enumerationPolicyBehaviorType
Policy behavior categories that define what kind of behavior is performed.
Public enumerationPolicyConditionType
Policy condition categories that define what kind of evaluation is performed.
Public enumerationPolicyDialingMode
possible dialing modes for policy conditions.
Public enumerationPolicyEvaluationMode
Modes of policy condition evaluation.
Public enumerationPolicyType
Policy categories that define when the policy is evaluated.
Public enumerationRecordAttributeType
Accepted data types for attribute policy conditions.
Public enumerationRepetitionMode
Values for rule evaluation frequency.
Public enumerationRuleActionType
Specific types of actions that a rule can execute.
Public enumerationRuleEngineTermination
Specifies the scope of rule evaluation to terminate.
Public enumerationRuleFunction
Mathematical functions used in evaluating conditions for custom StatRules
Public enumerationRuleType
Types of conditions that a rule may evaluate.
Public enumerationScheduledCampaignState
Possible campaign states for a Schedule.
Public enumerationStatPeriod
Possible start points for a rule or policy statistic condition.
Public enumerationStatRuleType
Distinguishes between built-in and custom statistics.
Public enumerationSystemEvent
Dialer system events that may be monitored by EventRules.
Public enumerationTimeRuleMode
Settings for the frequency of time rule execution.
Public enumerationTimeZoneAutoMapping
Describes how phone numbers should be mapped to time zones.
Public enumerationTimezoneMapDatasetFormat
The set of timezone mapping data formats supported by Interaction Dialer.
Public enumerationTimezoneMapDatasetTestResult