The set of timezone mapping data formats supported by Interaction Dialer.
Namespace: ININ.IceLib.Configuration.Dialer.DataTypesAssembly: ININ.IceLib.Dialer (in ININ.IceLib.Dialer.dll) Version: (
C# |
public enum TimezoneMapDatasetFormat |
Visual Basic |
Public Enumeration TimezoneMapDatasetFormat |
Member name | Value | Description | |
Invalid | 0 | Unsupported or invalid format | |
Custom | 1 | Interactive Intelligence's open timezone mapping format. See Interaction Dialer help for format details. | |
TelcordiaTPM | 10 | Telecordia TPM | |
TelcordiaTDS | 11 | Telecordia TDS | |
QuentinSager_Platinum | 13 | Quentin Sager Consulting (Platinum) | |
AreaCodesDotCom_Deluxe | 14 | Deluxe Area Codes Database | |
ZipcodeWorld_Premium | 15 | Zipcode World NPANXX data (Premium) | |
ZipcodeWorld_Gold | 16 | Zipcode World NPANXX data (Gold) |