Methods for calculating Penetration Rate.

Namespace: ININ.IceLib.Configuration.Dialer.DataTypes
Assembly: ININ.IceLib.Dialer (in ININ.IceLib.Dialer.dll) Version: (


public enum PenetrationRateCalculationMode
Visual Basic
Public Enumeration PenetrationRateCalculationMode


Member nameValueDescription
CallListPenetration1 Contact list records penetrated at least once divided by the number of contact list records.
PhoneNumberPenetration2 Phone number column records penetrated at least once divided by the number of records in the same phone number column.
CallListSaturation3 Total penetrated contact lists records divided by the number of contact list records.
PhoneNumberSaturation4 Total penetrated contact list records by phone number column divided by the number of records in the phone number column.

See Also