Possible types of status messages.

Namespace: ININ.IceLib.Dialer.Supervisor
Assembly: ININ.IceLib.Dialer (in ININ.IceLib.Dialer.dll) Version: (


public enum DialerStatusMessageType
Visual Basic
Public Enumeration DialerStatusMessageType


Member nameValueDescription
None14500 Invalid status message type.
InvalidLinegroup14501 Configured linegroup is invalid or contains no lines.
InvalidWorkgroup14502 Configured workgroup is invalid or contains no agents.
FewAgentsForPredictive14503 Campaign has fewer than six active agents, potentially decreasing agent utilization and increasing abandon rate.
CampaignAbandonRateExceeded14504 Current abandonment rate exceeds the configured target rate
ContactCacheEmpty14505 Contact cache has been depleted
CampaignRetrievingContacts14506 Contact cache has been depleted
CampaignAllZonesBlocked14507 Configured Zone Set is blocked all callable contacts
GlobalMaxCallsReached14508 Dialing is being restricted because the configured line capacity has been reached
GlobalHistoryInsertsSlow14509 History updates (campaign stats, agent stats, call history) are accumulating in queue
GlobalContactListUpdatesSlow14510 Contact list updates are accumulating in queue
CampaignStrictAbandonRateExceeded14511 Current abandonment rate exceeds the configured strict abandonment rate
DialerTranSlowToRespond14512 Dialer TranServer is not responding
CampaignFilterSizeEmpty14513 No callable contacts left
HistoryDelayed14514 History updates (campaign stats, agent stats, call history) are accumulating in queue
CallListDelayed14515 Contact list updates are accumulating in queue
IncorrectProvider14516 The database provider in use is not recommended for use with Dialer
IncorrectCollation14517 Default database is not specified or UDL file is not compatible with Dialer.
NoInitialCatalog14518 Default database is not specified or the UDL file is invalid.
TSDown14519 Campaign is paused because TS API calls are failing, likely due to TS Server not running.
DNCScrubFailing14520 DNC scrubbing failed
InvalidContactColumnBehavior14521 Policy set contains one or more behaviors referencing contact columns not used by the campaign
NoAgentSkills14522 Agent has none of the required skills for the campaign, so no calls will be placed for the agent.
TimezoneMappingUnavailable14523 Automatic time zone mapping is unavailable because the time zone source data could not be initialized.
NoDialPlanData14524 Automatic time zone mapping source data file is not accessible because no CCS dialplan is available for phone number standardization.
MapDataSetFileUnavailable14525 Automatic time zone mapping source data file is not accessible because the map data set file is missing.
NoTimezoneMappings14526 Automatic time zone mapping is unavailable for all campaigns because mo automatic time zone mappings are present.
NoTimezoneMapDataSets14527 Automatic time zone mapping is unavailable because no time zone map data sets are configured for automatic time zone mapping.
AgentTSFailure14528 An agent has been placed on break because a TS API call failed.
HighNonDialerReservation14529 A campaign is reserving a high percentage of active agents for non-Dialer calls.
RecycleInProgress14530 A campaign is recycling its contact list.
NoPersistentConnectionWavFile14531 An agent logged into a campaign with a persistent connection, but no persistent connection wav file is configured.
MaxDialerCallRateReached14532 Dialing is being restricted by the configured maximum call rate setting.
DialerConfigLoadError14533 A problem occurred while attemptingn to load the configuration XML file.
DispositionCustomSprocsSlow14534Calls to the custom stored procedure that runs when a call is completed are backing up.
CampaignMaxLinesReached14535A campaign has reached its max lines limit.
NoAgentProficiency14536 The agent has skills that do not meet the minimum proficiency requirements defined for SkillSet.
EmailFailure14537 Something went wrong attempting to send an email via a Campaign Policy Behavior.
SmsFailure14538 Something went wrong attempting to send an sms via a Campaign Policy Behavior.

See Also