The AttributeCondition type exposes the following members.


Public propertyAttributeName
The name of the attribute to be checked.
Public propertyAttributeType
The data type of the attribute.
Public propertyConditionType
The type of condition.
(Inherited from PolicyCondition.)
Public propertyContactList
The Id of the contact list containing the attribute. The campaign referencing this policy must be using this contact list.
Public propertyDateValue
The matching value for date-based attributes.
Public propertyId
The Id of the condition.
(Inherited from PolicyCondition.)
Public propertyNegated
When true, the logical result of the condition evaluation is flipped.
(Inherited from PolicyCondition.)
Public propertyNumericValue
The matching value for numeric attributes.
Public propertyOperation
An conditional operator that compares the attribute value to the matching value.
Public propertyStringValue
The matching value for a text attribute.
Public propertyTimeValue
The matching value for a time-based attribute.

See Also