The ContactListConfiguration type exposes the following members.


Public methodAddScheduledCalls
Adds scheduled calls to the scheduled calls table, or replaces entries with the same campaign and identity.
Public methodAddScheduledCallsAsync
Asynchronously adds scheduled calls to the scheduled calls table or replaces entries with the same campaign and identity.
Public methodBulkExport
Exports contacts from the contact list into a file or database table.
Public methodBulkExportAsync
Asynchronously exports contacts from the contact list into a file or database table.
Public methodBulkExportDNCMetadata
Exports metadata from the DNC Metadata table into a file or database table.
Public methodBulkExportDNCMetadataAsync
Asynchronously exports metadata from the DNC Metadata table into a file or database table.
Public methodBulkImport(HttpRequestKey, IDataSet, IDictionary<(Of <<'(DBColumn, DBColumn>)>>))
Imports contacts from a data set into the contact list.
Public methodBulkImport(HttpRequestKey, IDataSet, IDictionary<(Of <<'(DBColumn, DBColumn>)>>), Boolean)
Imports contacts from a data set into the contact list.
Public methodBulkImportAsync(HttpRequestKey, IDataSet, IDictionary<(Of <<'(DBColumn, DBColumn>)>>), EventHandler<(Of <<'(AsyncCompletedEventArgs<(Of <<'(Int32>)>>)>)>>), Object)
Asynchronously imports contacts from a data set into the contact list.
Public methodBulkImportAsync(HttpRequestKey, IDataSet, IDictionary<(Of <<'(DBColumn, DBColumn>)>>), Boolean, EventHandler<(Of <<'(AsyncCompletedEventArgs<(Of <<'(Int32>)>>)>)>>), Object)
Asynchronously imports contacts from a data set into the contact list.
Public methodBulkMoveIn
Copies records from a database table (not necessarily a contact list) accessible via a Dialer connection into this contact list.
Public methodBulkMoveInAsync
Asynchronously copies records from a database table (not necessarily a contact list) accessible via a Dialer connection into this contact list.
Public methodBulkMoveOut
Moves contacts from the contact list into a database table accessible from a Dialer connection.
Public methodBulkMoveOutAsync
Asynchronously moves contacts from the contact list into a database table accessible from a Dialer connection.
Public methodCancelEdit (Inherited from EditableListConfigurationObject<(Of <(<'ContactListConfiguration..::..Property>)>)>.)
Public methodCommit (Inherited from EditableListConfigurationObject<(Of <(<'ContactListConfiguration..::..Property>)>)>.)
Public methodCommitAsync (Inherited from EditableListConfigurationObject<(Of <(<'ContactListConfiguration..::..Property>)>)>.)
Public methodCreateTables(TableType)
Create database tables and associate them with the contact list.
Public methodCreateTables(TableType, IEnumerable<(Of <<'(DBColumn>)>>))
Create database tables and associate them with the contact list.
Public methodCreateTablesAsync
Asynchronously create database tables and associate them with the contact list.
Public methodDelete (Inherited from EditableListConfigurationObject<(Of <(<'ContactListConfiguration..::..Property>)>)>.)
Public methodDeleteAsync (Inherited from EditableListConfigurationObject<(Of <(<'ContactListConfiguration..::..Property>)>)>.)
Public methodDropTables
Drops the database tables associated with the contact list. A bitmask of TableTypes specifying which tables to drop.
Public methodDropTablesAsync
Asynchronously drops the database tables associated with the contact list.
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodFlushContacts
Flush contact records from the dialing queue in order to prevent them from being dialed.
Public methodFlushContactsAsync
Asynchronously flushes contact records from the dialing queue in order to prevent them from being dialed.
Public methodGetColumns
Retrieves the fields in this contact list.
Public methodGetColumnsAsync
Asynchrously retrieves the fields in this contact list.
Public methodGetContacts
Run a query to retrieve records from the contact list.
Public methodGetContactsAsync
Run a query to retrieve records from the contact list.
Public methodGetCustomPNDColumnMap
Returns a list of custom columns that exist in the PND table.
Public methodGetDNCMetadata
Run a query to retrieve records from the contact list DNC Metadata.
Public methodGetDNCMetadataAsync
Run a query to retrieve records from the contact list DNC Metadata.
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetValidators (Inherited from EditableListConfigurationObject<(Of <(<'ContactListConfiguration..::..Property>)>)>.)
Public methodGetValidatorsAsync (Inherited from EditableListConfigurationObject<(Of <(<'ContactListConfiguration..::..Property>)>)>.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodPrepareForEdit (Inherited from EditableListConfigurationObject<(Of <(<'ContactListConfiguration..::..Property>)>)>.)
Public methodRunSmallQuery
Run a query to retrieve records from the contact list.
Public methodRunSmallQueryAsync
Asynchronously runs a query to retrieve records from the contact list.
Public methodRunTransaction
Executes one or more commands against the contact list as a transaction.
Public methodRunTransactionAsync
Asynchronously executes one or more commands against the contact list as a transaction.
Public methodSetConfigurationId (Inherited from EditableListConfigurationObject<(Of <(<'ContactListConfiguration..::..Property>)>)>.)
Public methodSetDisplayName (Inherited from EditableListConfigurationObject<(Of <(<'ContactListConfiguration..::..Property>)>)>.)
Public methodToString (Inherited from ConfigurationObject.)

See Also