The ManualOutboundCallParameters type exposes the following members.


Public propertyCampaign
The campaign for which the call should be initiated
Public propertyIdentity
The I3_Identity of the contact to which the call should be placed
Public propertyIgnoreCampaignOwnership
Ignore campaign ownership on the campaign when attempting to place the call
Public propertyIgnoreDailyLimit
Ignore any daily limit configuration on the campaign when attempting to place the call
Public propertyIgnoreDNC
Ignore DNC on the campaign when attempting to place the call
Public propertyIgnoreFilter
Ignore any filter associated with the campaign when attempting to locate the contact record
Public propertyIgnoreMinimumSpacing
Ignore the minimum time between dials configuration on the campaign when attempting to place the call
Public propertyIgnoreQueryTimeFilter
Ignore the query-time (PND) filter associated with the campaign when attempting to locate the contact's phone number data
Public propertyIgnoreSkills
Ignore any skill configuration on the campaign when attempting to load the contact record
Public propertyIgnoreZoneBlocking
Ignore the time zone configuration on the campaign when attempting to load the contact record
Public propertyNumberType
How NumberValue should be interpreted
Public propertyNumberValue
A value that determines which phone number will be called, depending on NumberType

See Also