IceLib 2016 R3 includes a number of features that have been added, improved, and changed. Each namespace in IceLib is broken out to list each of these changes, to make it easier to find places where existing IceLib integrations may need to be updated for major breaking changes, or places where integrations could be enhanced to use newly introduced features.

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Collapse imageConfiguration

New CanInitiateRecordingSnippet and ShowRecordingSnippetButton security rights have been added to support the recording snippet feature.

New SnipLineQueue, SnipStationQueue, SnipUserQueue, and SnipWorkgroupQueue access rights have been added to support the recording snippet feature.

A new EnableSnippetRecordings property was added to support the recording snippet feature.

A new ContactListRecordOwnershipControl security right was added for compliance purposes. This is to allow a Dialer campaign to take exclusive control of a contact list record, instead of sharing it with other campaigns.

A new ServerReportConfigurationConfigurationContainer (and the associated ServerReportConfigurationConfiguration) object was added to support configuring server reports.

Collapse imageInteractions

All Interaction-derived objects have been enhanced with new methods, properties, and events to support the recording snippet feature. The recording snippet feature allows interaction recordings to be taken, stored on the IC Server, and then be processed by recorder policies that have been configured.

A new RecordingSnip enumeration value was added.

Collapse imagePeople

New CanShowRecordingSnipButton and CanSnipRecording properties (as well as the associated CanShowRecordingSnipButton and CanSnipRecording fields) have been added to support the recording snippet feature.

New SnipLineQueue, SnipStationQueue, SnipUserQueue, and SnipWorkgroupQueue properties (as well as the associated SnipLineQueue, SnipStationQueue, SnipUserQueue, and SnipWorkgroupQueue fields) have been added to support the recording snippet feature.

A new IsInitialized enumeration value was added to provide additional information for the WatchedObjectsChanged event.

A new FeatureUnavailable enumeration value was added to provide additional information for the return value of PerformLicenseOperation(IList<(Of <<'(LicenseRequest>)>>)).

Collapse imageQuality Management

New methods and supporting objects have been added to support the recording snippet feature. The ININ.IceLib.QualityManagement additions provide support for adding, modifying, and removing recording attributes, as well as adding and removing recording tags. Recording attributes are key/value pairs that can be added to recordings, while recording tags are simple string values that can be added to recordings. Recording attributes and tags can be used for various purposes; however, a typical usage scenario is to setup a recorder policy to set the storage location of a recording based on the value/existance of an attribute or tag. Both recording attributes, and recording tags can be seen in the Recorder view's playback dialog of IC Business Manager.