Occurs when a recording snippet is created for an interaction.

Note: This event is supported for IC Server version 2016 R3 and beyond.

Namespace: ININ.IceLib.Interactions
Assembly: ININ.IceLib.Interactions (in ININ.IceLib.Interactions.dll) Version: (

Collapse imageSyntax

public event EventHandler<RecordingSnippetCreatedEventArgs> RecordingSnippetCreated
Visual Basic
Public Event RecordingSnippetCreated As EventHandler(Of RecordingSnippetCreatedEventArgs)

Collapse imageRemarks

This event will only occur if the Interaction is being watched. To start watching call either the StartWatching(array<String>[]()[][]) method or the StartWatchingAsync(array<String>[]()[][], AsyncCompletedEventHandler, Object) method.
For more information on watches see How Watches Work.

Collapse imageVersion Information

Supported for IC Server version 2016 R3 and beyond.

Collapse imageSee Also