The ININ.IceLib.Interactions namespace contains classes for manipulating Interaction Center interaction queues.

There are a number of classes within the ININ.IceLib.Interactions namespace that provide support to the classes mentioned in the preceding summary. Example of the supporting classes are enumerations, event argument classes, and delegates used by events within classes.

Queue Watches. There are a number of object classes that are used to get specific attributes for the Interactions contained in a given Interaction Queue. They are watched, meaning, that any time an attribute is changed, the internal cache of that object is kept up to date so anytime that attribute's property is referenced the current value will be returned. An event notification is available when any of the attributes changes in value.

If the entire contents of an InteractionQueue is to be watched, Queue watches are more efficient than having individual Interaction watches on each Interaction in the Queue.

Interaction Watches. There are a number of object classes that are used to get specific attributes for a given Interaction. They are watched, meaning, that any time an attribute is changed, the internal cache of that object is kept up to date so anytime that attribute's property is referenced the current value will be returned. An event notification is available when any of the attributes changes in value. All such objects inherit from Interaction. Examples of Interaction classes are: CallInteraction, ChatInteraction, and EmailInteraction.

Interaction Conferences. The InteractionConference object provides information about a conference of interactions. Additionally, the InteractionQueue object provides support for watching attribute changes for Interactions within conferences contained on an interaction queue.

For more information on getting started with queues and interactions see Getting Started With Interactions.

Collapse imageClasses

Public classActionParameterNames
Parameter name strings used with the PerformingActionEventArgs and PerformedActionEventArgs event argument classes.
Public classAgentAssistanceList
This class represents a collection of assistance request items belonging to an agent.
Public classAgentHelpRequest Obsolete.
This class represents an agent's request for help from a supervisor.
Public classAgentHelpRequestEventArgs Obsolete.
Provides data for the AgentHelpRequested event. The AgentHelpRequest object is contained in objects of this class.
Public classAgentHelpResponse Obsolete.
This class represents a supervisor's response to an agent's help request.
Public classAgentHelpResponseEventArgs Obsolete.
Provides data for the AgentHelpResponseReceived event.
Public classAssistanceItem
This class represents an Agent Assistance Request Item.
Public classAssistanceItemChangedEventArgs
Provides data for the ItemChanged event of an AssistanceItem.
Public classAssistanceItemMessageAddedEventArgs
Provides data for the MessageAdded event of an AssistanceItem.
Public classAssistanceItemParticipantEventArgs
Provides data for the ParticipantAdded and ParticipantChanged event of an AssistanceItem.
Public classAssistanceItemParticipantRemovedEventArgs
Provides data for the ParticipantRemoved event of an AssistanceItem.
Public classAssistanceItemStateChangedEventArgs
Provides data for the StateChanged event of an AssistanceItem.
Public classAssistanceList
This class represents the list of assistance request items that belong to an agent and/or supervisor.
Public classAssistanceListEventArgs
Provides data for the ItemAdded/ItemRemoved events of an AssistanceList.
Public classAssistanceListItemAddedEventArgs
Provides data for the ItemAdded event of an AssistanceList.
Public classAssistanceMessage
Describes data associated with a message for an AssistanceItem.
Public classAssistanceParticipant
Describes a participant associated with an AssistanceItem.
Public classAssistanceRequestCompletedEventArgs
Public classAsyncStartWatchCompletedEventArgs
Public classAttributeMonitorId
Identifies an InteractionAttributeMonitor within the Interaction Center system. InteractionAttributeMonitor has more details.
Public classAttributesEventArgs
Provides data for the AttributesChanged event of a Interaction.
Public classCallbackInteraction
Represents a callback interaction within the Interaction Center system. Callback interactions occur when agents call a customer in accordance with a callback request.
Public classCallbackInteractionAttributeName
Specifies attribute names that can be used with CallbackInteractions.
Public classCallbackInteractionParameters
Provides details when creating Callback Interactions via MakeCallbackInteraction(CallbackInteractionParameters).
Public classCallbackSetCompletionParameters
Provides details when completing a callback via CallbackInteraction's SetCompletion method.
Public classCallInteraction
Represents a call within the Interaction Center system.
Public classCallInteractionParameters
Provides details when making a call via InteractionsManager's MakeCall method.
Public classCallMadeEventArgs
Provides data for the CallMade event.
Public classChatInteraction
Represents a chat within the Interaction Center system.
Public classChatMember
Represents a member (person participating) in a ChatInteraction.
Public classChatMemberEventArgs
Provides data for the ChatMemberAdded/Changed/Removed events of a ChatInteraction.
Public classChatText
Represents a single chat entry in a ChatInteraction.
Public classChatUpdateEventArgs
Provides data for the ChatMemberAdded/Removed events of a ChatInteraction.
Public classConferenceId
Identifies a Conference within the Interaction Center system.
Public classConferenceInteractionAttributesEventArgs
Provides data for the ConferenceInteractionChanged event of an InteractionQueue object.
Public classConferenceInteractionEventArgs
Provides data for the events involving a single Interaction conference member.
Public classConferenceItemData
Contains information about a conference item.
Public classConsultTransfer
Represents a consult transfer between a caller, agent, and consult.
Public classConsultTransferParameters
Provides details when creating Consult Transfers via MakeConsultTransfer(ConsultTransferParameters).
Public classEmailAddress
Represents a resolved Email address from an EmailResolver.
Public classEmailAddressesEventArgs
Provides data for the EmailResolved event.
Public classEmailBody
Represents an email body within an EmailContent.
Public classEmailContent
Represents the content for an EmailInteraction.
Public classEmailContentUpdateEventArgs
Used to notify listeners of updated email contents.
Public classEmailCreateResponseCompletedEventArgs
Public classEmailDownloadMessageAttachmentCompletedEventArgs
Public classEmailEncryptionCertificate
Definition for EmailEncryptionCertificate class.
Public classEmailFileAttachment
Represents an attachment to an EmailInteraction.
Public classEmailInteraction
Represents an email within the Interaction Center system.
Public classEmailInteractionAttributeName
Specifies attribute names that can be used with EmailInteraction.
Public classEmailInteractionParameters
Provides details when making an email via InteractionsManager's MakeEmail method.
Public classEmailMessageAttachment
Represents a message attachment to a EmailInteraction.
Public classEmailResolver
Allows resolving Email addresses within the Interaction Center system.
Public classEmailSignatureCertificate
Definition for EmailSignatureCertificate class.
Public classGenericInteraction
Represents a generic interaction object within the Interaction Center system.
Public classGenericInteractionParameters
Provides details when creating Generic Interactions via MakeGenericInteraction(GenericInteractionParameters).
Public classGetAttributeCompletedEventArgs<(Of <(<'TAttributeValue>)>)>
Public classGetContentsCompletedEventArgs
Provides data for asynchronous completed events of InteractionConference and InteractionQueue.
Public classGetStringAttributesCompletedEventArgs
Public classHistoryItem
Contains history information for an Interaction.
Public classInitiateSecureInputCompletedEventArgs
Public classInteraction
Represents an Interaction within the Interaction Center system.
Public classInteractionAlerting
This class provides information about Interactions that are alerting for the Session User.
Public classInteractionAlertingDetails
Provides details for alerting via the InteractionAlerting class.
Public classInteractionAlertingEventArgs
Provides data for the AlertReceived event.
Public classInteractionAttributeMonitor
Allows attribute level monitors on the Interaction Center system.
Public classInteractionAttributeName
Specifies attribute names that can be used with Interaction watches.
Public classInteractionAttributesEventArgs
Provides data for the InteractionAttributesChanged event of a InteractionQueue.
Public classInteractionCompletedEventArgs
Provides data for the asynchronous completed events of InteractionsManager.
Public classInteractionConference
Represents a conference within the Interaction Center system.
Public classInteractionEventArgs
Provides data for events involving a single Interaction.
Public classInteractionId
Identifies an Interaction within the Interaction Center system.
Public classInteractionMonitor
Represents a monitoring on an Interaction.
Public classInteractionQueue
Represents a queue of Interactions within the Interaction Center system.
Public classInteractionRecord
Represents a recording of an Interaction.
Public classInteractionSegment
A segment of an Interaction.
Public classInteractionsHistory
Provides access to interaction history information for a user.
Public classInteractionsManager
Provides access to Interactions and InteractionQueues.
Public classInvitePartyCompletedEventArgs
Public classInvitePartyParameters
Provides details when inviting a party via InviteParty(InteractionId, InvitePartyParameters).
Public classMakeCallbackInteractionCompletedEventArgs
Public classMakeCallException
This exception is thrown by various MakeCall methods of InteractionsManager when the server is unable to make a call.
Public classMakeChatCompletedEventArgs
Public classMakeConsultTransferCompletedEventArgs
Public classMakeEmailCompletedEventArgs
Public classMakeGenericInteractionCompletedEventArgs
Public classMakeNewConferenceCompletedEventArgs
Public classMonitoredQueueAlerting
This class provides the main interface to enable alerting on a monitored queue.
Public classMonitorInteraction
Represents a monitor interaction within the Interaction Center system.
Public classMonitorInteractionAttributeName
Specifies attribute names that can be used with the MonitorInteractions class.
Public classNotificationsSuspendedEventArgs
Provides data for the NotificationsSuspendedChanged notification.
Public classPerformedActionEventArgs
Provides data for the PerformingAction event.
Public classPerformingActionEventArgs
Provides data for the PerformingAction event.
Public classPhoneNumber
Detailed information about a phone number within the Interaction Center system.
Public classQueryPhoneNumberDetailsCompletedEventArgs
Public classQueueConferenceItem
Provides queue conference item details for QueueContentsChangedEventArgs.
Public classQueueConferenceItemAttributes
Provides queue conference item details for QueueContentsChangedEventArgs.
Public classQueueContentsChangedEventArgs
Provides data for the QueueContentsChanged event of a InteractionQueue.
Public classQueueId
Identifies an InteractionQueue within the Interaction Center system.
Public classQueueItem
Provides queue item details for QueueContentsChangedEventArgs.
Public classQueueItemAttributes
Provides queue item details for QueueContentsChangedEventArgs.
Public classRecorderInteraction
Represents a recorder interaction within the Interaction Center system.
Public classRecorderInteractionAttributeName
Specifies attribute names that can be used with RecorderInteractions.
Public classRecordingSnippetCreatedEventArgs
Provides data for the RecordingSnippetCreated event of a Interaction.
Public classRelatedSnippetRecording
Represents a related snippet recording of an Interaction.
Public classScreenPop
This class serves as the main interface for tracking when DDE screen pops occur.
Public classScreenPopEventArgs
Provides data for the screen pop events of ScreenPop.
Public classScreenPopItem
This class contains the ScreenPop event data.
Public classSecureInputParameters
Provides details when initiating secure input via the InitiateSecureInput(SecureInputParameters) method.
Public classSecureRecordingPauseParameters
Public classSendAssistanceRequestParameters
Provides details when sending an assistance request via SendAssistanceRequest(SendAssistanceRequestParameters).
Public classSensitiveAttributeDataContext
Provides access to the Session's sensitive data context for Interaction attributes.
Public classSocialConversationInteraction
SocialConversationInteraction - Social Conversation Interactions are handled here
Public classSocialDirectMessageInteraction
Represents Social Direct Message within the Interaction Center system.
Public classSupervisorAssistanceList
This class represents a collection of assistance request items belonging to a supervisor.
Public classWrapUpAssignment
Representation of an assignment of a wrap-up code to a segment of an interaction.

Collapse imageEnumerations

Public enumerationAssistanceItemState
Defines the states for an AssistanceItem.
Public enumerationAssistanceParticipantAction
Describes the action of an AssistanceParticipant in regards to an AssistanceItem.
Public enumerationCallAnalysisType
Used to specify if analysis needs to be performed on a call.
Public enumerationCallbackCompletion
Specifies constants indicating the completion of a CallbackInteraction.
Public enumerationCallMadeStage
Specifies constants indicating when the CallMade event should be raised.
Public enumerationChatMemberType
Specifies constants indicating the whether a ChatMember is internal or external.
Public enumerationConsultTransferParticipants
The participants in a ConsultTransfer.
Public enumerationEmailCloneAttachmentType
Determines what attachments from the source email to include when an EmailContent object is cloned.
Public enumerationEmailEncryptionStatus
Possible encryption status of an EmailInteraction.
Public enumerationEmailInteractionCapabilities
Specifies constants indicating the capabilities of an EmailInteraction.
Public enumerationEmailPriority
The priority of an e-mail.
Public enumerationEmailResponseType
Specifies constants indicating the response type of an EmailInteraction.
Public enumerationEmailSignatureStatus
Possible status of an DigitalSignatures.
Public enumerationHistoryItemFlags
An set of flags to indicate the status of the interaction.
Public enumerationHistoryItemProperty
Each value in the enumeration represents a property of HistoryItem.
Public enumerationInteractionAlertAction
Indicates the action that needs to be taken when an alert event is received.
Public enumerationInteractionAlertType
Represents the reason why an interaction is alerting.
Public enumerationInteractionCallPartyType
Specifies constants indicating the party type of a call.
Public enumerationInteractionCallType
Specifies constants indicating the call type.
Public enumerationInteractionCapabilities
Specifies constants indicating the capabilities of an Interaction.
Public enumerationInteractionDirection
Specifies constants indicating the direction of an Interaction.
Public enumerationInteractionMonitorType
Specifies constants indicating the type of an Interaction monitor.
Public enumerationInteractionPartyType
Represents local party type and remote party type of an interaction.
Public enumerationInteractionSecurityLevel
Specifies constants indicating the security level of an Interaction.
Public enumerationInteractionState
Specifies constants indicating the state of an Interaction.
Public enumerationInteractionType
Specifies constants indicating the type of an Interaction.
Public enumerationIsdnCauseCode
ISDN Cause Codes that may have been returned when placing a call.
Public enumerationMakeCallFailureCode
Call failure codes describing the results of an attempt to place a call.
Public enumerationMonitoredQueueAlertMode
Specifies if an alert should be a silent alert or not.
Public enumerationQueueType
Specifies constants indicating the type of an InteractionQueue.
Public enumerationSecureRecordingPauseAction
Specifies the secure recording pause action that should be taken.

Collapse imageVersion Information

Supported for IC Server version 2015 R1 and beyond.
For 4.0, supported for IC Server version 4.0 GA and beyond.
For 3.0, supported for IC Server version 3.0 GA and beyond.